Digifort IPXAnalytics is a software that uses Aritificial Intelligence (AI), to learn how to identify and detect events in video surveillance systems.
The AI is based on a network system, which are algorithms that mimic the behavior of the human brain, widely known as Neural Networks.
Operationally we can consider neural networks to be a "processing box", which can be trained so that an information input can generate one or more outputs, all based on your Deep Learning system where such data is processed and "learned".
Compared with current video analysis systems, Digifort IPXAnalytics can reduce the amount of false positive alarms considerably.
Today the platform can detect more than 80 objects, such as people, boats, motorcycle, cars, trucks, airplanes, cellphones, notebooks, televisions, suspects, short and long weapons, helmets and even whether people are using them or not.
Through constant learning and training, the number of detected objects continues to grow with Deep Learning, while the system improves its precision and performance.
Risk Area Control
Places that require exclusive surveillance due to risky operations or control of access levels can use Digifort IPXAnalytics.
One of the applications would be, for example, a risk area where people are prohibited from walking next to trucks. You can configure the system to trigger alarm events when detecting the presence of pedestrians immediately, as shown in the image.

Another example would be to ban the use of cellphones in specific areas. In this example, we can mix the objects detection in conditions such as "Person + Mobile".
If the system recognizes the person "object", but does not detect any cellphone, nothing will happen. The moment the system recognizes both objects in the same figure, the configured alarms will be triggered immediately.
Perimeter Control
Similar to our previous example, Digifort IPXAnalytics can be used for perimeter intrusion alarms. This allows you to configure alerts for specific objects only.
As an example, we can determine that in a certain region the presence of domestic animals is prohibited. Then, if a person accompanied by an animal is detected by the system, alerts will be triggered as desired.
Suspicious and Blatant Behavior
Digifort IPXAnalytics was created to address situations where there are suspects or people with a suspicious behaviour, such as entering pharmacies, banks and markets using a motorcycle helmet.
In such situations it is possible to configure an alert so that the system recognizes the "Helmet" or "Person with a Weapon" objects, among others.
Weapon detection technology has become a valuable tool that more and more security professionals are using, due to the tragedies of armed violence that we see in our society on a regular basis.
It is important that schools, establishments and public meeting places become more proactive, avoiding more tragedies and thus saving more lives.
Detecting an active firefight before it happens greatly improves law enforcement and emergency responses.
PPE Control
The use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is essential in preventing accidents and mitigating damage, therefore, ensuring that safety helmets are being used is of paramount importance.
Digifort IPXAnalytcs is able to identify whether or not the worker is wearing the helmet, and trigger alarms for safety according to the areas where the use is mandatory, regardless of the helmet color as seen in the image on the side.
Objects Counter
When using Digifort IPXAnalytics, you will be able to determine a minimum and/or maximum number of objects allowed in certain areas.
For example, in the image below we have a parking lot. Through the system we can program an alert that notifies us when the vacancies are all filled. Thus, the operator can proceed with the appropriate actions when receiving the warning from the system.
Another application would be to count and control the queues or areas. The maximum number of people per queue (or area), and the maximum waiting time at locations can be determined in the system, causing the system to trigger warnings and alarms to the operator when such a number is reached.
Such a filter can be added to the distance filter, which will be presented a little below on this same page, to ensure that the queues are organized and within the current social distance rules.
Crossing lines and Capacity Monitoring
With line crossing detection, you can trigger alarms when certain objects cross line limits determined by the system administrator, maintaining an object count.
When applying logical rules of Entry/Exit, you can have a real-time counter of how many people are inside establishments. When multiple entries are in place, the count becomes a total sum of all entries.
Using IOT platforms you can generate graphs and statistics based on the data generated by IPXAnalytics, the image below shows a counter using the www.thingspeak.com.

Object Orientation and Fall

With the orientation filter, you will be able to trigger alarms only if target objects are placed in certain positions, a great example happens in the figure below where the person object is lying.
Falls, on the other hand, are common occurrences among elderly people or people with special needs, and such situations can be frightening.
A slip or fall can cause serious damage, and also cause serious problems for establishments. In addition to the real falls, the false falls staged by people in bad faith, with the ideal of suing the establishments for injury, are also problems that can be avoided by Digifort IPXAnalytics.
Fall detection can save the elderly and ensure that you always have evidence to defend against false accusations.
You can activate a Motion Heatmap to determine which areas of your image are the busiest. The system will save snapshots of this heatmap from time to time, according to the setup made by the system administrator, and arrange the heatmap in an image like the example on the side. Such technology can be used in several locations with the most varied functions, from traffic studies to data collection in stores and shopping malls for business intelligence.

Social Distancing
With IPXAnalytics, you can use the Distancing logic to monitor whether individuals are performing Social Distancing in the vicinity.
It was never so critical for society that Social Distancing was practiced, in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is within our reach to protect the public and put a brake on the spread of the disease, so that we can one day return to operating without the need for such measures.
General Module
Identifies over 80 types of objects, including:
Person, Bicycle, Car, Motorcycle, Airplane, Bus, Train, Truck, Car, Semaphores, Fire Extinguisher, Transit Signs, Parkimeter, Backpack, Umbrella, Purse, Suitcase, Bottle, Cup, Glass, Fork , Knife, Banana, Apple, Sandwich, Orange, Broccoli, Carrot, Hot Dog, Pizza, Cake, Chair, Sofa, Plants, Bed, Table, TV, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Cellular, Sink, Refrigerator, Books, Watches, Vases, Scissors and a range of other household items.
Crime Module
Identifies short and long weapons, suspicious positioning (wielding a weapon), motorcycle helmet and total face obstruction with mask.
PPE Module
Identifies whether the person is wearing safety helmets, masks and glasses.
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